Privacy policy

Privacy policy

We protect the privacy of our customers and based on this, we have prepared these privacy policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, storage and deletion of customer data. This privacy policy regulates the processing of personal data and the use of cookies on the website of KNM EESTI OÜ www. (hereinafter the website).


Personal data is any data that allows a person to be identified. For example, name, email address, phone number, personal identification code.

Processing of personal data is any activity performed with the personal data of the website user and the participant of the training (hereinafter the customer) – collection, documentation, structuring, correction, use, storage, transfer or deletion of data.

A customer is a person who visits the website, consumes services or transmits information from KNM EESTI OÜ. For example, reading news, subscribing to services, registering for training or contacting by e-mail.

Services are all  free and paid products and services offered by KNM EESTI OÜ.


When collecting and processing personal data, KNM EESTI OÜ proceeds from the principles that:

  • personal data is collected lawfully;
  • the personal data processed are up-to-date and complete;
  • information security measures have been implemented to protect personal data;
  • collected solely for specified and legitimate purposes;
  • personal data are collected only to the extent necessary to achieve the defined purposes;
  • The client is given access to his data and, if necessary, their correction.

KNM EESTI OÜ collects the following personal data of the customer through the website in the following ways:

  • name and e-mail address – when the client joins the mailing list, filling in the contact form, sending an e-mail or commenting on a post;
  • telephone number – when making an information request by the client;
  • address – when fulfilling an order or submitting documents for the conclusion of a contract necessary for the provision of a service;
  • personal identification code – when filling out the order form for applying for hire-purchase;
  • contact details (phone, e-mail address, legal address) of the company / institution (payer/subscriber for training) – when placing an order;
  • website traffic statistics – using Google Analytics.

Contact details are necessary for responding to an information request, entering into a contract, forwarding materials, organisational information and invoices, and a personal identification code is necessary for formalising hire-purchase.

By using the website, the customer gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. The goal of KNM EESTI OÜ is responsible processing of personal data, which is based on best practice, customer interests, rights and freedoms.

The processing of personal data is carried out only by authorized employees (based on their duties).


KNM EESTI OÜ uses personal data:

  • to provide a service to the client, for example, to communicate with the client, make a quote, make a training offer, enter into and perform a contract, draw up a certificate or certificate, send invoices;
  • to send notifications about new articles, trainings, services and promotions to the Client’s e-mail address, but only with the client’s prior consent. KNM EESTI OÜ uses website traffic statistics to improve the customer experience and market the website more efficiently.

While in the contact database of KNM EESTI OÜ, we may also process the customer’s name and e-mail address or phone number for marketing purposes in social media and internet marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Google). The purpose of sending marketing communications is to maintain a business relationship with the client.

In the case of marketing messages sent to the e-mail, we may collect information about the customer’s communication, such as whether the customer opened the e-mail, which links he clicked on, what equipment he used for it, and what their technical characteristics are.

We only send newsletters to new customers if they have signed up for the newsletter themselves via the form on our website or filled in the newsletter recipients’ sign-up form. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the “unsubscribe” button in the footer of the newsletter or by writing about your wish to to the e-mail.


The third party is a contractual partner of KNM EESTI OÜ  , who processes personal data and whose product or service is used by KNM EESTI OÜ to provide services to the customer.

KNM EESTI OÜ uses third parties for its daily activities, who provide:

  • e-mail forwarding and management system;
  • website hosting;
  • analysis of website usage statistics;
  • the use of social media and the analysis of social media statistics;
  • use of accounting software and accounting services.

If the buyer of the invoice and the payer of the invoice are different persons, we will forward information about the buyer to the payer, if necessary.

Without the consent of the person, data may only be transferred to an institution or person who has a direct legal right to do so (e.g. a court or a pre-trial body) and a justified need.

By default, personal data will not be disclosed, unless confirmed (participation in a training/seminar/conference).


KNM EESTI OÜ retains personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purpose or pursuant to law. For example, accounting data is stored for 7 years from the end of the financial year due to the obligation to certify transactions in the Accounting Act. However, the email address in the mailing list until the customer wishes to remove it from there.

KNM EESTI OÜ takes all reasonable measures to protect the personal data processed. Only authorized persons have access to change and process personal data.

Personal data that has become known in the course of visiting or purchasing the website will be treated as confidential information. We use computers accessible with a unique password for work and e-mail addresses on the server of a trusted service provider for work-related communication. There is also an accounting program protected by a unique password and various files stored in the cloud, which may contain personal data of our customers.

In our company, employees with an employment contract, as well as employees working under other forms of contract, have the obligation of confidentiality stipulated in the contract and, accordingly, the obligation to maintain the confidentiality of customer data.


The website of KNM EESTI OÜ uses cookies to ensure a better customer experience and more efficient marketing activities and to collect usage statistics. The Client is deemed to have agreed to cookies if cookies are enabled in the browser settings. If they are not accepted, some functions of the website may be limited.

The client is deemed to have agreed to cookies if cookies are enabled in his browser settings. In order to restrict the use of cookies, the customer can make the corresponding selections in the settings of his web browser.


The Customer has the right at any time to:

  • express your wish to access your data and receive information about the personal data collected about them;
  • request access to personal data, their correction, supplementation or erasure under the conditions prescribed by law (if it is not in conflict with legislation);
  • to request restriction of the processing of personal data;
  • request the transfer of personal data;
  • withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data (e.g. for marketing purposes).

The customer has the right to prohibit the processing of their personal data at any time, unless it is necessary for the performance of a claim arising from the contract, e.g. for the provision of a service. If the customer belongs to the mailing list of KNM EESTI OÜ, they can delete themselves from the mailing list and unsubscribe from further messages via the link at the end of the e-mail.

If the personal data is not changeable or accessible, we should be provided with a request to obtain or correct the data in a way that allows us to identify the person. If possible, the data will be issued or corrected within 7 working days.

In order to exercise their rights, the client must send a  corresponding request to the e-mail address

If the customer believes that his rights have been violated in the processing of personal data, he has the right to contact the representative of KNM EESTI OÜ at the address or the Data Protection Inspectorate.


KNM EESTI OÜ reserves the right to change the privacy policy unilaterally and without prior notice, in order to ensure their compliance with the law. The privacy policy in its latest version is always available on the website.

If you have any questions about the privacy policy and data processing, please contact us at

Valid from 05.05.2023

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